
Annual General Meeting of Festi 2025

The annual general meeting of Festi hf. will be held on Wednesday 5 March 2025 at 10.00 at the company's headquarters at Dalvegur 10-14, Kópavogi.

Shareholders and agents can register for the annual general meeting at the meeting place from 09:00 on the meeting day. In addition, pre-registration of shareholders/agents is accepted at the email address fjarfestatengsl@festi.is until 08:00 on the day of the meeting. In the case of pre-registration, it is requested that the name and identification number of the shareholders be specifically indicated and that a completed proxy form, if applicable, accompany the registration.

The program

  1. The report of the Board of Directors on the Company's operations during the past operating year.
  2. The CEO's report and Consolidated Financial Statements for 2024 presented.
  3. The company's annual and consolidated financial statements for the past operating year submitted for approval
  4. Decision made on the payment of dividends for the operating year 2024.
  5. The Nominating Committee presents its report and proposals.
  6. Board elections
  7. Proposal for confirmation of the Board of Directors’ decision on the appointment of individuals to the Nomination Committee.
  8. Proposal for confirmation of the Board of Directors’ decision on the appointment of an external member to the Audit Committee.
  9. Election of an auditor or an auditing firm.
  10. Decision on the remuneration to the Board of Directors, subcommittees of the Board of Directors and Nomination Committee.
  11. Board of Directors proposals for the Company's Remuneration Policy.
  12. Board of Directors proposals to amend the Article of Association.
  13. Board of Directors proposal on the authorization to purchase own shares and a corresponding amendment to the company´s Articles of Association.
  14. Other matters lawfully raised.

At shareholders' meetings, one vote is attached to each krona of the nominal value of the share capital, while the share capital of Festi hf. has a nominal value of ISK 311,500,000. The company's own shares shall not have voting rights. At shareholders' meetings, the power of votes determines the outcome of all ordinary matters, unless otherwise stipulated in the Company's Articles of Association or law.

All shareholders are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting, to address the meeting and exercise their voting rights. Registered shareholders at the time of the Annual General Meeting may exercise their rights at the meeting. The share register refers to settlement of transactions in Nasdaq CSD Iceland on March 4, 2025. Shareholders may have a proxy to attend the Annual General Meeting and exercise the right to vote on their behalf. Written letter of proxy shall be submitted upon registration at the meeting. A form for a letter of proxy is available on the Company´s website above. Shareholders may also attend a meeting with a consultant, but as such the consultant has no right to make proposals or vote at the meeting. A shareholder may, however, let the consultant speak on his behalf.

Shareholders who wish to have a particular matter dealt with at the Annual General Meeting shall send a request to the email address fjarfestatengsl@festi.is not later than ten days before the meeting, i.e. at the latest by 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, 23 February 2025. If a shareholder has asked for an item to be included on the agenda or submitted a proposal before the appointed time, the final agenda and proposals will be updated on the Company's website and a notice will be published on Nasdaq Iceland no later than one week before the meeting. Shareholders may also submit questions regarding advertised agenda items at the Annual General Meeting itself. Matters which have not been identified on the agenda of the shareholders' meeting cannot be addressed as a final resolution at the meeting without the consent of all the shareholders of the company, but a resolution may be drawn up as a guide to the Board of Directors.

Those who intend to be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors shall notify the Board of Directors in writing at least ten days before the Annual General Meeting, i.e. before 10:00 on Sunday 23 February 2025. They alone are eligible for election to the Annual General Meeting. A candidature form on the Company’s website above shall be used for this purpose. Candidature notices must be submitted to the email address fjarfestatengsl@festi.is or at the company's office at Dalvegur 10-14, Kópavogur. Information on all candidates will be published on the website above no later than one week before the Annual General Meeting.

According to Article 2(2) of the Rules of Procedure of the Nomination Committee, shareholders have the right to propose the appointment of Committee members and such proposals shall be sent in writing to the Board of Directors at least ten full days prior to the beginning of the Annual General Meeting. If more than three individuals are nominated to sit on the Nomination Committee, an election shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.

Shareholders may request to vote postally on items that are on the agenda of the meeting. A request for such form of voting shall have been received at the office of the Company or at the email address fjarfestatengsl@festi.is before 10:00 am on Friday, 28 February 2025.

The agenda, proposals for the Annual General Meeting, annual and consolidated financial statement for the financial year 2024, reports from the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee, the Remuneration Policy and other documents that will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting can be found on the Company's website above, as well as being available to shareholders for display at the Company's headquarters at Dalvegur 10 – 14 in Kópavogur.

Shareholders and proxies can register for the Annual General Meeting at the meeting place from 09:00 on the day of the meeting. Furthermore, pre-registration of shareholders/proxies is accepted at the email address fjarfestatengsl@festi.is until 08:00 on the day of the meeting. In the case of pre-registration, it is requested that the name and ID no. of the shareholders be explicitly stated and that a completed proxy form, if applicable, be attached to the registration.

Shareholders´ meetings is lawful regardless of attendance at the meeting if duly convened. The meeting and documents will be in Icelandic. Should there be discrepancy between the English and Icelandic version of this Notice, the latter prevails.

Kópavogur, 10 February 2025.
The Board of Directors of Festi hf.